Posts Tagged ‘warlock


Fare Thee Wow…err Well

Saying goodbye to an MMO is never easy. Even when you think it is easy and you think “man I’m so done with this game!” often we find ourselves unable to resist returning later if not sooner. And so not for the first time I find myself ready to say goodbye to WoW. I’ve left the game a couple of times already only to return and jump back into it as fully as I had to start with.

I’ve gone through quite a lot of “phases” during my time with WoW. In Vanilla WoW I started off playing a human warlock primarily participating in the endgame raiding activities of the day. I took her through all of Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. It didn’t last however and my friends and I found ourselves rerolling horde, and this time around I jumped into the PvP scene. I joined a PvP guild with my druid and had great fun running battlegrounds with that guild. It was quite exhilarating to be the guild’s primary flag runner for Warsong Gulch!

Once the Burning Crusade released I decided I wanted to get back into endgame raiding, but not with my druid…it was time to reroll once more! This time however I stayed on the same server and started working on a blood elf paladin. I hit level 70 and joined an amazing guild that was just getting started. We made our way through Karazhan, then Gruul’s Lair, and before we new it we were catching up to the major guild’s on the server! Unfortunately while working on Magtheridon the guild went through a small meltdown…Our guild leader decided he couldn’t deal with the stress of leading a guild any longer and disbanded us while we were in progress of a Gruul kill! A few of us started trying to pull the guild back together but inevitably some people left. Several went to some of the guilds that were further along than we were, and some just quit or transferred. Fortunately for us we were able to hold on to most of the core members of the guild minus it’s former leadership.

Offtanking on Felmyst!

Offtanking on Felmyst!

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